Saturday, May 10, 2008

A Little Bit About Life Here on the CU Campus

I figured that I would write a few words about our stay at Catholic University. Its much different than in America. For instance, at breakfast time we have the choice of rice, Korean soup, and kimchi or bread, rice, and salad. Its very strange eating salad in the morning. Each meal at the university is basically the same food. Insert meat into lunch and dinner.

As for the room and bathroom situation, my room is really very nice. Its bigger than the dorm rooms at VT, and I have my own room. The shower/bathroom situation is interesting. The shower, sink, and toilet are all in the same place, so everything gets soaked at shower time. Also, the only towels used are hand towels. Its hard to cover up with a hand towel, so I pretty much have to air dry.

This is a catholic university, so curfew at the dorms is at 11 pm. That means people are literally sprinting towards buildings at 10:59 pm. Its pretty funny.

When you go out drinking at a pub in Korea, the waiter brings plate after plate of food. Basically like another dinner. It makes it really hard to drink because you have two dinners in two hours. I guess that's the idea. Also, whenever we are out in a group, the Korean students introduce others as their brother or sister. Their word in Korean for brother can me male friend or brother, so its a little confusing sometimes.


HolzBrew said...

Your pink bed spread is cute. Do you think they will let you take it back to North Carolina?

HunterVT03 said...

Why thank you...I guess no sheets in Korea. I had two blankets.