Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Days Two and Three in Seoul

Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted recently. Our schedule was jam packed in Seoul, so we did not get much free time at all. Plus, of course, I was out experiencing things instead of sitting in a room on the computer. Also, something strange was happening with the Internet, so if a post goes through that repeats this stuff, I apologize.

We visited SK Telecom in the morning on Day Two and saw all of the great things you can do with your cell phone here that we can't do in the US. Then we went to KBS, the Korean public broadcasting company (like BBC or PBS). In between we ate Korean BBQ called pulgogi. Very good! After the business tours I hiked to the Korean Red Cross and took some pictures for my lovely wife.

Then a group of us walked to a district in Seoul for shopping and dining. I don't even have to explain this next picture.

Then we went to the Ice Bar, one of three in the world. It was a bit cold in there, but we had a good time. They gave us parkas to wear while we were there.

The rest of the night we went to a few bars and then got back to the hostel.

On day three we went to the Korea Foundation and learned more about the culture. We wore some traditional Korean dress, attended a tea ceremony, and did some artwork.


HolzBrew said...

Loved the picture of the HO Bar. Glad to see you are having a good time.

HunterVT03 said...

Thanks big guy, I knew you would like that one. I hope that you had a good time in the Dominican Republic.

Bev said...

Hey Hunter - I meant to ask you - you said they gave you the parka to wear but did they give you the hat too? I didn't remember you packing that! My mom asked if they gave that to you too at the ice bar or if was yours. I told her that I hoped it wasn't yours! :)

HunterVT03 said...

Yeah, I've been wearing that hat the whole time! Just kidding, they gave me the hat and gloves. I wanted to steal the hat though.